A condolence bouquet is a beautiful way to show compassion where words fail. Send your condolences to the family and show your support by sending condolence flowers. Our sympathy bouquets are carefully made by our local florists and personally delivered in the Netherlands.
Related: Funeral bouquets | Funeral field bouquets | Condolence gift sets
After the loss of a loved one, words often fall short. You would like to make yourself heard and let the relatives know that you sympathise with them. Send your hearftfelt condolences to the family with condolence flowers. A condolence bouquet, also called a sympathy bouquet, is an important expression of emotions and a beautiful gesture. Our professional florists know this like no other. Showing your emotions where words are lacking is something we would like to help you with. We deliver your floral message wherever and whenever you want, so that your condolence flowers arrive on time and at the right destination.
You want to show support and send love to those who just lost a dear one, and you want to do it your way? We offer various extras to add to your comfort bouquet, such as a funeral card. Adding a funeral card will be the personal touch that will make all the difference. Not sure what to write on the funeral card? Read our article condolence messages for inspiration.
Yes they can! Order the bouquet before 14:00 on weekdays and before 12:00 on Saturday for same day delivery by a local florist.