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Red rose bouquet

  • One-of-a-kind bouquet hand-tied by a professional florist
  • Features quality fresh flowers
  • Quickly delivered by a local florist

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6 red roses
6 red roses€ 29,99
12 red roses
12 red rosesBestseller€ 59,99
25 red roses
25 red roses€ 124,99

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Product information
Nothing says "I love you" more clearly than red roses. This bouquet selects only the finest 30-50cm long stemmed roses, bright with the universal colour of affection. For friends or lovers, at an unbeatable price.

This bouquet is hand-tied by a local florist. It may vary slightly from the image depending on the season, fluctuating purchase prices and availability. The vase is not included, but can be ordered.